Download Win Keyfinder 2.0.5 Final
Windows CD key finder 2.05 (Win keyfinder)

Win keyfinder (wpkf software) release Notes: (12/03/2019)
Ver 2.05
Fixed a few bugs, enhanced some settings
Win keyfinder release Notes: (13/12/2017)
Ver. 2.03
Fixed a Simple bug with windows info. display labels.
Ver. 2.02
Fixed Bug with MS office 64bit and 32bit issues reported by the user!
Ver. 2.01
Fixed a few bugs with the system information display
Ver. 2.0 Final
Fixed a Bug where Windows 10 Product key is displaying incorrectly.
Fixed donate URL.
Ver. 2.0 Beta 1:
View Windows 10 Product Key
Fixed Some bugs
Ver. 2.0 Beta:
Here are some features of Win Keyfinder 2.0:
– View Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Product CD Key
– View/change XP Key
– View Windows 7 Product/CD Keys.
– View Windows Vista Product Key
– View/Change MS office Key
– View Win98 Key
– view Win2000 Key
– View .Net Key
– View Win2003 Key
– Check Activation Status (WinXP) / Coming soon Win 7/Vista
– Save Your Product Key By Encrypting It
– De-Crypt your saved encrypted key
– Support for MS Office Product keys
Win Keyfinder 2.0 is a small Freeware utility, which is 100% clean safe and secure which retrieves your Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, 98, 2003 and .NET both 32bit and 64bit Operating system Product keys from the registry and display it for you. It does not generate any product key it merely displays the key stored in the registry. It also retrieves the Microsoft Office Product key stored in the registry.
With Win keyfinder 2.0 you can do the following:
Easily retrieve your Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 / Windows 8/ Windows 8.1 (In future Windows 10) Product Key
Easily Retrieve Product key for MS Office
Save the retrieved Product key
Provision for Saving the key using Encryption for safety and security.
Provide support for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit Operating Systems.
Get System Information
Modify Registered user/owner information (require admin rights)
Download now to find out yourself about Win Keyfinder.
To know what Win Keyfinder 2.0 features are visit this page here.
DownloadDownload Beta from here:
DownloadKnown Issues:
While Running WinkeFinder.exe, some Antivirus programs may display an alert and/block you from running it.
If your Antivirus program shows false alert please follow his article to report false positive about Winkeyfinder Article URL:(– Office 2013 installers remove all but the last five characters of the install product key once the installation completes.
– If you have an installed version of Microsoft Office 2016 or 2013 via your Office 365 subscription, you don’t need to worry about product keys. Just sign in to your account and download and install the latest version of Office 2016 to your computer.
– For Some Operating Systems and MS Office Product key is not stored in Registry for such situation Product key not found message is displayed.
– If you purchased a computer/ bought a seconds from AN OEM manufacturer such as Dell, HP, Lenovo etc. Please keep in mind that the product key that is used while installing Windows may be different from the one mentioned on the License sticker.
doesnt match product key on my sticker i used to install windows.
Hello Ken Robibnson,
The reason for this is that the Computer which comes with per-installed windows Operating, has a OEM Product key, and it is usually installed using a single product key, this saves them time and money, a single installation is cloned and copied over to new machines. The key on the sticker is bundled with your machine which might not have been changed/updated.
You can easily update this using the methods mention here How can I change Product key in Visa/ 7 Operating systems
You can read more about OEM product keys here:
WKF 2 Beta 1
Can’t do it whit my office 2010
You need to check if your MS Office has a product key, for example the Ms Office Starter does not come with any product key
hi i can’t change license key. PLS help me
Works very good. I found my win key in a second. Thank you.
it worked. TQVM
After unzipping and running the file WinKeyFinder.exe I get the message “Can’t find DLL-file. MSCOREE.DLL”. I want to find a registration key from software on an old computer with Windows 98
Please try some old Winkeyfinder versions, the latest version does not support windows 98, the support for it has been taken away.
Please try winkeyfiner 1.5, 1.7
Would be nice, if a non booting/external Drive could be analysed !
it is not opening on my desktop
Could you please tell me what is the error you have? It needs .net frame work files, please install them from MS website, these days they are must on every P.C
Thanks a lot for this informations
How can i find the product key for office 2016 pro
Hi Babu, are you not viewing Product key for Office 2016 pro? in Win keyfinder 2.0.1?
If you have an installed version of Microsoft Office 2016 or 2013 via your Office 365 subscription, you don’t need to worry about product keys. Just sign in to your account and download and install the latest version of Office 2016 to your computer.
But… Make sure you pick the Office 32 bit version. The Office 64 bit version isn’t compatible with all other software such as Adobe Acrobat. You’ll run into other problems. We had to downgrade 5000+ computers.
As per my test system, I think it works for 32 bit Office also, I will test and make any changes to code and update, thank you.
Don’t work on my russian version of Windows 7 Professional. Product Key looks as BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB. I tried different versions of program.
Some times when product key is not stored in Windows Registry you get this error.
In such cases I suggest you to try and get your Digital License stored in your Microsoft account for future reference.
Hi, I have a problem because the keyfinder does not read because it only sees something like BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB. Do you have any idea how to read the key?
When key is not present in the system registry it shows BBBB
Hello, where do I download the 2.03 version? I have an older version that says its When I run it, it shows me a key. I downloaded a newer version of winkeyfinder, it also says it’s, but the release notes with it say 2.0.1. Running it gives me a different key. Which one do I believe?
2.0.3 is on same 2.0 download page, 2.0 is not available for download.
I have many PCs at work and all of them are showing the same key number.
Did you use the same product key while installation?
Where can I download version 2.03? I download from WinKeyFinder but it seems to me that it is version 2.00 and version 2.01 is written in the “Release Notes.txt” file. Please send a link to version 2.03.
Thank you
File is correct, release notes might not have been updated, which I will fix today. Thanks for point it out.
i need product key for windows XP
I tried finding my Win 7 key, but found that it couldn’t find it. Tried to decrypt the key, but I need a password for that, but I have no idea what that might be and how to find it.
Hi it works, can you try Winkeyfinder 2.0.3
thank you, it is working with me – win10 and get the office 2016 pro key while it is unstilled (not in the pc)
it works. tysm ;)
works great!
Avez vous la possibilité de trouver le mot de passe de mon mail Hotmail que je n’ai pas utilise depuis 15 ans le systeme de Microsoft est trop complique et surtout que je ne peux avoir aucun dialogue avec eux , ils ont un robot qui fait la recherche.
Avez vous la possibilité de trouver le mot de passe de mon mail Hotmail que je n’ai pas utilise depuis 15 ans
I want product key for windows 8.1 pls
it shows me error code: 0xC004E003. pls help
You would need to install latest .net framework files.
If you have a Microsoft account the windows key that came with your computer or one that you purchased will not be the same as the one that have , because Microsoft assigns you a digital key linked to your Microsoft account.
Over the years there have been many changes done to the Product key, Winkeyfinder merely it decrypts the key present in the System registery.
tệp này chạy rất nhanh :) mà dùng lại còn rất dễ nữa:) 5 sao
(Translation: This file runs very quickly :) but it’s even easier to use :) 5 stars)
You are awesome. after long search online, winkeyfinder gave the solution. if icoud kiss you i would, lol
why diferent version find diferent key ?
Latest version finds the correct key.
As there have been changes in the way key read and decoded.
The latest version works perfectly.